Hello and welcome to my makeup blog! My name’s Nicole, I’m in my 30s, and I live a low-key life in the Midwest with my significant other.

The name “Leaning Cool” references both my skin tone (I was typed cool and delicate by Merriam Style) and the makeup undertones I tend to gravitate towards. A taupe eyeshadow look is my staple. That being said, it’s surprisingly hard to find colors that don’t look too orange or ashy. Despite being cool-toned, my skin has a yellowish hue, even slightly green in some lighting. Finding truly neutral and cool-leaning eyeshadows has been difficult and I was surprised to find out that many others had the same issues. That’s one reason I started this blog.

The other reason is simply because makeup is my passion, and so is critiquing things. I’m always on the hunt for better products and enjoy sharing my discoveries with people. I may not be a professional cosmetologist or have the best photography equipment, but I always do my absolute best and am always trying to improve.

Thanks for stopping by!

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